Double Kayak Rentals

$452 hours
  • Add $10 for each additional hour

Single Kayak Rentals

$352 hours
  • Add $10 for each additional hour

Hours of Operation

Hours: 9am – 5pm (daily) Last rental time is 3:30pm
Season: June 15 – September 15
Telephone: 800-685-4624 (locally 709-458-2722)

Kayak rentals are only available on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend calling beforehand to check the weather and availability. Many kayaks will be in use for the 9AM & 10AM morning tours.

Your sea kayak rental includes PFD, paddle, spray skirt, map and required safety equipment. Dry bags are available for a small fee.

All renters must sign a waiver taking full responsibility for themselves and the gear they rent. Any person under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian sign for them. Any person under 16 years old must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

Dress for the weather and as if you are going hiking. If you plan to go longer take extra clothing as weather conditions can change. Keep in mind that the PFD and spray skirt will provide extra warmth. Getting wet is a part of sea kayaking. We will launch you right from the beach so you won’t get your feet wet. If you intend to go to ashore while on your outing, wear footwear that can get wet and provides support on rocky shorelines and pebble beaches. Other items to take: sunscreen, sunglasses with strap, hat, water, dry bag, cell phone (some areas of Bonne Bay will not have cell coverage), camera, snack.

Bonne Bay is a sheltered body of water however it is still the ocean and is surrounded by high hills making some areas susceptible to strong winds, tides and currents. Water temperatures at and near the surface generally reach 17° to 18° C by mid-July. It is typical for Bonne Bay to experience a range of wind and wave conditions and can vary dramatically depending on time of day and your location in the bay.

Our location is at “The Tickle”, a narrow channel connecting Bonne Bay’s East Arm to the Main Arm. Paddling in the East Arm would be similar to paddling on a large lake (still susceptible to strong winds) whereas paddling in the Main Arm has the added elements of ocean swell and increased tidal effects.

Our goal is for renters to have a safe and enjoyable sea kayaking experience. Double sea kayaks are far more stable than single kayaks and much easier to make headway in wind if both paddlers are capable of paddling. Please note, double kayaks are difficult to paddle in wind if one paddler is just along for the ride (ie. a young child)!

Single kayaks can overturn much more easily than double kayaks and require strength and good technique to paddle in winds. To rent a single kayak you must demonstrate knowledge of self and assisted rescues and have previous paddling experience in a cockpit style kayak.

Our staff will provide a short orientation to the equipment, inform renters of the weather forecast and answer any questions regarding routes. If you are concerned with being able to paddle in windy conditions, then the best option is to join a guided tour. Tours are led by experienced and knowledgeable guides and they choose the best routes for the weather of the day. Additionally they are equipped with safety gear to assist you if you are having difficulty.

Kayak rentals are only available for rent from our waterfront location in Norris Point for use on Bonne Bay.

We do. Please tell us when you call that you might need a larger kayak and we can discuss your needs to find the right fit. Often we suggest that you come by and try sitting in a kayak to see if it is comfortable for you and if the foot pedals can be adjusted for your leg length.

Solo paddlers must explain a solo capsize and recovery and provide details on sea kayaking experience and training in order to rent a single kayak and paddle unaccompanied. If you cannot do so, we cannot rent a kayak to you and suggest that you join a tour.


It was quick and easy to rent double kayaks, only took a few minutes from arriving until we were on the water with a map and paddles. Great service and beautiful location!

A. Goldberg, Kayak Rental, Google Review

We had a great couple of hours kayaking. Rented kayaks. Staff knowledgeable and helpful. Kayaks in great shape and very reasonably priced.

Trevor, Kayak Rental, Trip Advisor

My wife and I rented a double kayak and spent two hours paddling on Bonne Bay. The sights were unbelievable. What an experience.

Bob A., Kayak Rental, Trip Advisor